Windchill Command Line Utility Skeleton

In the last topic Windchill Remote Method Server Access API we saw how we can use RemoteMethodServer to invoke method server code remotely. Even though there are plenty of utilities available in Windchill OOTB, we came across various scenarios where we need to write our own custom utilities.
In this post I am trying to share the Windchill command line utility skeleton which uses RemoteMethodServer.
package com.blogspot.maheshmhetre.windchill.utilities;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import wt.method.RemoteAccess;
import wt.method.RemoteMethodServer;
import wt.session.SessionHelper;
import wt.util.WTException;

public class WindchillCustomUtilitySkeleton {

 //START of inner class - Server
 public static class Server implements RemoteAccess {
  public static void methodOne(String param1, String param2) {
   try {
    //Get login credentials
    //Call core processing method
    WindchillCustomUtilitySkeleton utility = new WindchillCustomUtilitySkeleton(); 
    utility.doOperation(param1, param2);
   } catch (Exception e) {
 } //END of inner class - Server

 private void doOperation(String param1, String param2) throws WTException{
  //TODO execute your utility logic
  System.out.println("This sysout will be available in method server log.");
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  //TODO get utility input parameters
  //TODO basic validation

  System.out.println("This sysout will be available on console from where the utility is running.");
  //prepare input params
  //data types will depends on your method parameters and can be any valid object type
  Class argTypes[] = {String.class, String.class};//add all remote method parameter data types
  Object argValues[] = {"param_1_value", "param_2_value"};//respective data value
  //call remote method - pass inner class name, method name, arg types and arg values
  try {
     null, argTypes, argValues);
  } catch (RemoteException e) {
  } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {


Please share your thoughts to improve this skeleton.

Windchill Remote Method Server Access API

To invoke Windchill server side code from outside method server, we need to use RMI calls. Windchill provides mechanism to do this by using RemoteMethodServer class.

The method signature
RemoteMethodServer.getDefault().invoke(String methodName, String className, Object obj, Class[] paramClassTypeArray, Objet[] paramValuesArray);

The core code to invoke remote method is
RemoteMethodServer remotemethodserver = RemoteMethodServer.getDefault();

Class argTypes[] = {String.class, String.class};//add all remote method parameter data types
Object argValues[] = {"param_1_value", "param_2_value"};//respective data value

Object returnObj = remotemethodserver.invoke(methodName, className, null, argTypes, argValues);

If you want the user who is executing the code should provide username and password explicitly using basic authentication handled by framework, skip the username and password set to RemoteMethodServer and user SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal(); Adding this will give popup for username and password if not available.
Keep in mind that there may be an issue if you are executing the remote access code from some external terminal like putty session. The popup will not work by default and need some additional settings.

In the next post we will see a command line utility skeleton which uses RemoteMethodServer API.

How package names to be formed?

Many times I came across Java developers who are not clear how the package names to be formed. Here I am trying to explain on how package names to be formed.

Generally package name start with reverse domain name resolution and later the application and module name and then finally the area you are working
The package name can be formed as below
<TLD>.<org/domain name>.<application name>.<module name>.<sub-module name>.<working area>.<more down level if needed>

Consider below is the scenario
  • Organization domain name:
  • Application Name: Windchill
  • Module Name: Lifecycle
  • Sub Module Name: Assignment
  • Working Area: Participants
Following the above pattern my package name will be

I always try emphasis on the deep level or extended package name so that the package will have only specific/relevant classes available. Please try to avoid putting many class in a single package and try to put them into very specific package.

Hope this is a useful information. 

Windchill OOTB Utility - "Which"

While working on Windchill customization, I came across a scenario where want know the class location but no idea where that class resides. I tried to find in eclipse as well but no luck as I can’t add all Windchill jars in the eclipse.
In this case I can use the Windchill OOTB utility “Which” to lookup the class/file path in the Windchill.
This utility lookups all the occurrences of the provided file in the classpath which includes the jars files as well.

This is a command line utility. The command is as below
windchill wt.util.jmx.Which

Utility usage:


Running the above command, we get a result says the class file present in /Windchill_9.1/Windchill/codebase/WEB-INF/lib/wncWeb.jar file.
If the same file present at multiple location, then we utility returns all possible locations of the file.

Windchill-Eclipse : Hot Code Replace

In the previous posts Windchill-Eclipse Project Setup and Windchill Method Server Debugging we discussed the basic Windchill development setup. Now it’s time to speed up the development. In this post we are going to add “Hot Code Replace” functionality in our Windchill development environment. The is the real development nitro booster.

What is hot code replace? – Ref:
Hot code replace (HCR) is a debugging technique whereby the Eclipse Java debugger transmits new class files over the debugging channel to another JVM. In the case of Eclipse development, this also applies to the VM that runs the runtime workbench. The idea is that you can start a debugging session on a given runtime workbench and change a Java file in your development workbench, and the debugger will replace the code in the receiving VM while it is running. No restart is required, hence the reference to "hot".

In our Windchill development environment setup, we are going to add eclipse project workspace into Windchill classpath. So when you will start eclipse method server debugging and in between debugging mode if you modify any class, the updated class code will get execute and most importantly without class compile or method server restart.
So we saved a lot time in sysouts, class compilation and method server restart

Add hot code replace in Windchill development environment setup:

  1. Take backup of /codebase/
  2. In /codebase/ edit "" property value to add eclipse project workspace path. In the property value you need to add your eclipse project workspace bin folder path.
e.g. My eclipse project workspace bin folder path is /opt/eclipseworkspace/Windchill/bin. Replace the directory separator by Windchill directory separator variable $(dir.sep). Now my updated path will be $(dir.sep)opt$(dir.sep)eclipseworkspace$(dir.sep)Windchill$(dir.sep)bin. Add this value in the beginning of property value with the Windchill classpath separator variable $(path.sep).
The updated property value will be like as below ($(path.sep))

Property name="" multivalued="$(path.sep)" default="$(dir.sep)opt$(dir.sep)eclipseworkspace$(dir.sep)Windchill$(dir.sep)bin$(path.sep)$(wt.home)$(dir.sep)codebase$(path.sep)$LIB(wt.webinf.lib)$(path.sep) --- and original

  1. Run xconfmanager utility to propagate the xconf value
  2. Restart method server


  1. Works in eclipse debug mode only
  2. Make sure that Project -> Build Automatically is checked (enabled)
  3. Hot code replace works effectively for method level code changes but some time fails for class level changes like adding method/variable, imports, etc

Now start Windchill development without sysouts and method server restarts. So shift the development gear and go bhuuuummmmmmmm

To know more about hot code replace visit