Windchill Document Dependency Link

This is a version-specific relationship between two documents i.e. WTDocument to WTDocument link.  A reference between two documents can be created to show a dependency on another document. A document may reference some information in another document, so during a create or update, a reference to that document is added. The references relationship has a comment attribute that can be used to explain why the reference exists or what the dependency is.
For example:
A document is depends on another document.

Doc1 A.1 is dependent on Doc2 A.1

After new revision/iteration Doc1 B.1 is dependent on Doc2 B.1

Doc1 A.1 is dependent on Doc2 A.1. This is a version dependency. If the Doc1 get revised/iterated, the dependent document’s will also get updated.
Model Diagram:


Class WTDocumentDependencyLink
public class WTDocumentDependencyLink
extends IteratedUsageLink
implements Externalizable

UI Navigations:
To see the dependent documents, navigate to main document’s details page third level navigations -> Related Objects -> Documents
To add the dependent documents, from ‘References Documents’ use ‘Add’ or ‘Associate New’ table level action on main document. You can add dependency comment from the row level actions.
MainDoc depends on doc01. MainDoc details page
If you see the doc01 document, related document you can see MainDoc is dependent on doc01
API Navigations:
To get the depedent documents, we need to navigate through this link table. The service APIs are available in WTDocumentService class.
The relevant methods are (Please refer JavaDoc for more details)
getDependsOnWTDocuments(WTDocument document)
         Return a QueryResult of WTDocuments that the given WTDocument is dependent on.
getDependsOnWTDocuments(WTDocument document, boolean onlyOtherSides)
         Return a QueryResult of WTDocuments that the given WTDocument is dependent on.


Anonymous said...

Could you please tell me the proper syntax of API so that I could create a link between Docs.
I tried the following code
WTDocumentDependencyLink wt= WTDocumentHelper.service.createDependencyLink(Doc1,Doc2,"comments");;

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate
your efforts and I will be waiting for your further post thank you
once again.