Many guys who want or have to work on Windchill, the first question they usually ask is “Where to start?”.
The best training material for Windchill is PTC University courses. This is a web based training provided by PTC and need to be purchased.
As we can see, most of the companies working in Windchill are service industries. Rare to see those companies purchasing PTC University courses to train employees. Adding to this, these days the Windchill service industry following the pattern of hiring pure Java developers for Windchill customization and train them the Windchill framework. So all the responsibility goes to the senior person in the team who is most of time busy.
Now you are at dead end where we must start to explore Windchill yourself. Here are few pointers where we can start learning Windchill.
Windchill Help:
URL: http://hostname/Windchill-WHC/index.jspx
This the real material to learn the Windchill functionality. You can directly go to the home page and explore the area the you of interest. The other way is open help from the screen you are working on, this will take to the respective help topic.
Windchill Java/API Doc:
Folder: Windchill_Home/codebase/wt/clients/library/api/index.html
Web: http://hostname/Windchill/wt/clients/library/api/index.html
Windchill Examples:
Location: Windchill_Home/codebase/netmarkets/jsp/carambola/customization/examples/
Many examples found under his location.
In Windchill 10.x you can found this under Tools as well.
Top most Windchill Guides:
Windchill Customization Guide
Windchill Business Administration Guide
Windchill System Administration Guide
good start...
i can't access Windchill Java/API Doc.Please help
Thank you very much.I was actually looking for windchill instance to try in web but localhost is not up and can't access Windchill Java/API Doc.
Hi Chandu,
Open Windchill API file directly from
This will work.
Hi Mahesh I have java code and Csv files for the same now how and where shud I copy the code and csv files to run the project
Cant access the links. Needed urgently. Thanks
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